Category Archives: Journal

Pushing Through It

Days like today kill me. They should be motivating, but I have a hard time seeing past the perceived “blah” of it all. It’s been about 4 weeks since my last weigh-in/measurement session, and while I have seen results, I am feeling less than excited about them. I shouldn’t be. I should be thrilled. I… Continue Reading

THIS Fit Girl Rocks!

In case you hadn’t heard, I rock. Pretty damn hard in fact. In the past 4 weeks I worked out for a total of 18 hours, burned 8,579 calories (approximately, since my heart rate monitor didn’t work for at least half of the half marathon we ran 🙁 ) and I went down 2.38% in Body… Continue Reading

Half Marathon Success!

Well, the P.F. Chang’s Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon was a success! Despite the fact that my husband and I did an abysmal amount of training for this one (read: none whatsoever) and spent the week leading up to the run having our asses kicked at Kosama, we managed to finish the run slightly faster than last… Continue Reading

What Motivates You?

Today I will be on day five of five (official) days at Kosama, completing the first week of the 8-week Teammate Challenge that Z and I signed up for. Monday and Tuesday were rough and I was exhausted and drenched in sweat. I also hadn’t quite tweaked my pre-workout nutrition and I was feeling a… Continue Reading


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