THIS Fit Girl Rocks!

In case you hadn’t heard, I rock. Pretty damn hard in fact. In the past 4 weeks I worked out for a total of 18 hours, burned 8,579 calories (approximately, since my heart rate monitor didn’t work for at least half of the half marathon we ran 🙁 ) and I went down 2.38% in Body Fat! Boo ya!

Here are my updated stats with the change since 1/2 (updated stats also available on the Stats page).

WEIGHT: 178.6 -1.9lbs BF%: 33.12% -2.38%
LEAN MASS: 116.42 +3.02lbs FAT MASS: 59.16 -4.92lbs
CHEST 42″  -0.50″ NAT. WAIST 35″  +2.25″
WAIST 41.5″  -0.50″ HIPS 43.75″  -0.75″
THIGH 21″  -0.25″ CALF 16″  -0.50″


I really kicked it up a notch this week at Kosama too. On strength day I went heavier than before, on plyo day I did deeper squats and more burpees than I thought I was capable of, and on today’s kickboxing day, I beat the crap out of that bag (to Montell Jordan’s This is How We Do It – Go 90’s!). Even my skinny jeans are feeling loose. Might need to invest in a belt. 😉

Other Updates

So if you’ve followed along this month you’re probably wondering how the Take-Out-Token plan is going. I’ve learned this month that there has to be some leeway in life. We used our last token on the 23rd at Si Senor, but we were feeling lazy last Friday night so we ate at Paradise Bakery, and made sure we worked out on Saturday morning. This week, I was really needing a day out of the office so we went out for pizza at lunch, and worked out extra hard that night and will be working out 6 days this week. We’ve still eaten healthy and at home for almost the entire month, and literally spent half as much on food (both groceries and dining out) than we did last month. There are two goals with the Take-Out-Tokens: eat better and spend less. I think the first month has been successful. It’s a lot like changing your diet and lifestyle in general, you have to be flexible in order to be successful. It’s not reasonable to think you can be strict seven days a week. So Month Two will start tomorrow, and I’ll keep you posted.

So what’s next? More working out 5-6 days a week, continuing with my balanced nutrition plan, and setting a goal for a “family challenge” my husband’s brother proposed for us all – deadline Friday, May 24th when we go to Z’s brother and sister’s graduation in New Mexico.

Since I didn’t really do much working out or eating healthy the first week of the month, I’m hoping to see even better results the next time I “weigh in”. Maybe if I really bust ass I might actually win that Kosama Teammate Challenge. Wish me luck!

workout regrets

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