So You Want to Run a Marathon (or Half)?


So, you’ve been telling yourself you want to run a marathon, or a half marathon, but you are always making excuses for why you can’t (no time, not in good enough shape, can’t afford it, etc…).

Well, now is your chance!

Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon’s are a blast, with bands playing along your race route and a big name act and a beer waiting for you at the finish line. And there are LOADS of destinations to choose from (Phoenix, Seattle, Brooklyn, Chicago, Cleveland, Denver, San Antonio, New Orleans, etc). There are even some great international destinations to motivate you to get out of the country (Madrid, Dublin, etc.)

Tomorrow, June 5th, is National Running Day, and you can save $20 off your race registration for any run you choose. So what are you waiting for? Take advantage of the $20 discount here, then head over to Jeff Galloway’s site for tips on training for your big run (Half Marathon here, Full Marathon here)! He has timing suggestions for every speed of runner (take it from me because I’m a slooow one).

Disclaimers from Rock n Roll Marathon Series:

*Discount is automatically applied on June 5, 2013 from 12am – 11:59pm PST for open Marathon & 1/2 Marathon distances only.

$12 discount towards Rock ‘n’ Roll  Brooklyn 10k and €10 discount towards all open Rock ‘n’ Roll International Events.

No other discount codes or promotions can be used in combination with the National Running Day promotion.

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