Kosama Teammate Challenge Results & Detox Update

Kosama Teammate Challenge Results

Alright, drum-roll please…. we didn’t win. But we were the runners up! And the difference between our team and the winning team was only 0.7%!!

While we aren’t the real winners, I feel like winners anyway. With all the teams competing to be able to come in second place is pretty bad ass with such a small margin. Not to mention that at the party last night there was a raffle for “door prizes” and I won a MyZone band (squee!). It’s basically a fancy heart rate monitor which has the added benefit of not having to wear a watch while I’m in class and I can just look up at the screen to see what my exertion level (and calories burned) is. It only stores a certain number of hours of activity and it uploads your activity to the website when you check in wirelessly at the gym (a solid motivator to drag my ass into the gym regularly). You can even create challenges with other MyZone owners which is pretty neat. Now I need to start brainstorming what my 6-character name will be up on the board. 🙂

The next eight-week challenge starts on April 1st and I THINK it’s an individual challenge. As I get in better shape I will literally have less to lose, so we’ll see how successful I am this next time around. I could drink a lot of wine and eat a lot of carbs for the next two weeks to set myself up, but I see a bikini in my future, so I’ll take losing over not being able to buy one.


Detox Update

Well, the primary phase of my Cleanse & Detox diet is over. I threw in the towel on “Week 1” on Friday afternoon, after 6 days straight of eating kale and chicken salads for lunch and trying to be creative with my evening protein (chicken and fish). It wasn’t awful, nothing tasted bad, but it certainly was challenging.

I really did feel pretty good by the end of it and I stopped when I did as a result of feeling like I wasn’t eating well enough to support my level of physical activity at the gym. We worked out on Monday (kickboxing) and I felt okay. Tuesday was to be a strength day but I was exhausted so we skipped. Wednesday was to be plyo, but I worked a late day, had to deal with our cat at the Vet, and neither one of us made it home until after 6pm, so we skipped again. Thursday was a strength day and I had to pace myself as I was feeling a bit lightheaded and Friday was kickboxing and we went, but my stomach was cramping throughout the whole class, most likely due to not eating enough.

I do feel a bit lighter, healthier, but the first week of the detox is not designed for high-impact activities. If you choose to do it, I recommend cutting back on your workouts or doing something lower-impact. All in all, I was eating fairly healthy prior to the detox and what I primarily got from it is that something in my diet is causing me bloating. Now it’s time to test out inclusion, exclusion and minimization of different foods within my diet until I figure out exactly what it is. In the meantime I will also be keeping up with the healthy greens consumption and embracing what a good diet can do for you:

5 pounds of fat5lbs of fat vs. 5lbs of muscle – which would you rather have?

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