Category Archives: Healthy Diet

Setbacks and Comebacks (and an Easy-Peasy Pasta Recipe)

Setbacks and Comebacks (and an Easy-Peasy Pasta Recipe)

I have been seriously lax in updating lately but it’s difficult to compose posts about being healthy and working out when you aren’t even holding yourself accountable. July was not a good month. The heat is so exhausting, paving the way for excuses about a lack of energy, which despite being an excuse is fairly… Continue Reading

Eliminate the Threat

Eliminate the Threat

I have a hairpin trigger when it comes to binge-ing out on food. A little stress, and little sadness, a little boredom, a little distraction… they all lead to a dark place that ends with me stuffing my face with things I have no business putting into my body at such volume and velocity, all… Continue Reading


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