Author Archives: This Fit Girl

Tech You Need: Bluetooth Headphones

Oh Bluetooth headphones, where have you been all my life?! Okay, so I really don’t have a problem with regular headphones. The cord used to bother me by getting in the way, since I run almost exclusively in tank tops which doesn’t provide enough material to weave the cord through and conceal. But at some… Continue Reading

My Whole30 Transformation – Paleo, Yo

My Whole30 Transformation – Paleo, Yo

For the past thirty days, I  actively participated in consuming a strict Paleo diet called Whole30, which focuses on whole foods (non-processed), humanely raised and grass-fed meats, organic produce and healthy fats. Whole30 does NOT allow for sugars, grains, dairy, legumes or alcohol.. The thought behind this is that these foods may have a negative… Continue Reading

Much Run, So Neon.

Much Run, So Neon.

I am so thrilled right now, it is hard to contain my excitement. But you’ll have to wait a few paragraphs to find out why. 😉 Tonight I ran in bestie Jenn’s place for the Neon Bubble Dash 5k. She had registered under a Living Social deal and then ended up being out of town,… Continue Reading


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