Category Archives: Workouts

When You’re Falling Off The Wagon…Believe In Yourself

When you’ve missed a day at the gym, and then another day, and another, or when you ate something too indulgent for lunch, and then again at dinner, you are letting yourself believe that one slip-up ruins the whole day, or the whole week, and so why-not-just-keep-skipping-the-gym or -keep-eating-these-girl-scout-cookies. You are wrong. The biggest mistake… Continue Reading


This morning I woke up in a really good mood, despite the slight headache I had which was either a result of allergies or the few glasses of Moscato I treated myself to last night at Olive Garden (YES, I spent a take-out token on it, though we were celebrating… I’ll come back to that… Continue Reading

The Key to Appy-ness

For me, money IS the key to happiness! The less I spend, the happier I am,  so the fact that all of the following free fitness apps cost me nothing makes me pretty damn happy! The slideshow below consists of a collection of nutrition & fitness trackers and fitness tools & trackers, some of which… Continue Reading


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